Simple Pimple Solutions
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
While it's easy to find acne and pimple treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is what's important. By their mid-teens, nearly 35% of teenagers have acne severe enough to require some treatment from a medical professional.
Sulfur and Acne
Tip! Stress: Most of the teenagers feel inferior and pluck the pimples and therefore make the problem a lot worse. But the routine stress as such does not result in acne. One of the oldest medications currently in use for acne is Sulfur. Sulfur and acne treatment go back to the tubes of popular ointments used [...]
One of the oldest medications currently in use for acne is Sulfur. Sulfur and acne treatment go back to the tubes of popular ointments used in the 1950’s
Before the invention of antibiotics there were few affective drugs other than sulfur for infections. Even after the development of the many drugs that were considered to be miracles, there are still limited uses for sulfur drugs.
The primary use of sulfur in acne treatment is as exfoliating or pealing agent. It is often used as one of the ingredients in the skin toned medicated concealers. It is in use in adult acne treatments today as an alternative to harsher less appropriate treatments.
When used with a treatment regime it is used last as a leave-on ingredient. This is an important distinction to keep in mind. Some ingredients in acne treatments have to be used briefly and washed off. Others are best used for hours before being rinsed off. However these are often very mild acne treatments.
The same ingredients in fact are often used in two or more products that are used consecutively. The same substance would in this case serve more than one purpose.
Sulfur takes its place among a handful of over-the-counter acne treatments that are used with FDA approval. It is an amazing and abundant element which can be found in natural occurrences particularly sulfur springs. Sulfur has a rotten egg smell and gives a yellow or orange appearance to surrounding ground when found in water.
It has been used for many other uses for many years and can also be found in common household products like matches. The continued popularity of this ingredient is its own recommendation.
Sulfur acne preparations have out lasted fifty years of the most daunting assembly of prescription and nonprescription drugs to hit pharmacy shelves.
Mrs. Party… Gail Leino is the internet’s leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin treatments.
Making Acne Treatments Work For You Posted By :
You can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem 150% by getting rid of your acne for good. There are times when one has to think about alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems.